martes, 8 de septiembre de 2009

This image represents, the peacefullnes of my body , the joy of my life, and the loneliness of my heart.
I think this picture represents very well the way that Vincent Van Gogh felt when he painted the "Starry night", he didn't know very well how did he felt, lonely because the love of his life wasn't interested in him, or maybe happy because he was a peacefull person that night. Maybe he didn't felt anything, like just because of fun, or because he liked how the stars shone that night, its something impossible to tell, because we weren't there.

But what I want to express with this picture are my emotions , like sometimes when I am sad I like to talk to the stars because I feel like they are the only ones who can understand me, or some secrets I can't tell anyone about them.

Sometimes I look at the stars and see how beautiful life is the way it is, even though sometimes whe want to die just to get out of trouble.

Thats why I think that this picture is really alike with the starry night of Vincent Van Gogh

Noche estrellada

Relation with Ingarden's definition:

I chose this picture because it seems to me that the author was happy, peaceful, and full of joy. I like this picture too much because it transmits good feelings, like when you are looking at the sky talking to the stars, or with someone you love, like your girlfriend or your boyfriend. I think the author really liked to look at the the dark sky, look for the stars, reflexing what he had done in the past, how happy was with his life, and how much did the stars meant to him. Sometimes the time you are alone is the best one because you can reflex, think of what you have become, how fast the time had gone, and what had happened to everybody around you.

The paint is very cool, because it represents a peaceful town, where everybody is resting, or at least doing something that does not affect somebody else. It represents how much does the moon lights the town, like keeping everything in order, watching for them.

The painting can also be something sad, because of the dark sky, and the way the clouds are painted, like cold, windy, and dark. Also the view its like someone is on a hill, looking for something.

This painting could be represented by various ways, it could depend on your humor, or with how much attention are you paying to it, it may also vary if you are alone or with someone that could change your view of art.

In conclusion, I really dont know what Vincent Van Gogh in the "Noche Estrellada" wanted to express at this painting, what I think he wants to express is that he is lonely, looking for someone special in his life, and that he is looking for something that brings peace back to his life sometime.